So...with the new year generally comes lots of resolutions that no one keeps (although we have good intentions to) and plenty of self-reflection (not that we haven't done that enough this past year to last us awhile), but it also gives us an opportunity to seemingly start over. The chance to fix a friendship, mend a broken relationship, make a change inside ourselves and even develop some new friendships and relationships and whatnot.
I could say that I am going to:
a) get more organized (is that possible???)
b) lose weight (does that mean excercise? *shudder*)
c) save money (oh who are we kidding?!?!)
d) update my blog more often (let's face it, the war is over and Annie is retreating! white flag, I raise my white flag!)
But I'm not. I'm not going to strive to do any of those things. What I am going to do is take a long hard look at myself, fix the things that are holding me back, and mend or sever those relationships in my life that need to be mended, renewed or simply severed for various and asundry reasons. I encourage you to do the same. If you need some help, reach out...I'll be here. And if I need some help, I hope you can be there for me.
Good luck everyone ~ Annie